I carefully worded my original post to say "in most cases the sellers are misleading potential buyers". Not all the sellers of this crap are as misleading as others. I understand that some of these chips are sold as souvenir items at the brothels. Big deal. These sellers are still not being 100% honest about what these chips are. And there are many of these so called "brothel chips" from closed brothels. Since the chips have just been produced and the brothels are closed or never existed, the chips cannot be sold in the brothel. At any rate, I have never seen the words "fantasy" or "home made" in one of these ads. That is what these chips are. Sellers of these items should tell buyers what it is that they are selling. Some of the sellers of these chips are frauds and the rest are just sleezy.
I have seen the misleading words "almost new", referring to the chip's condition, and "limited supply" in these ads. Both of these terms are misleading. The chips have never been used, how can they be "almost new"? The term is used to mislead potential buyers into thinking that the chips actual had some use. Limited Supply indicates some kind agreement to make only so many chips. This of course is also misleading. Since they are home made with no agreements with anyone, the chips can be made up on demand whenever the seller wants.
I would detest these chips even if the sellers were 100% honest. However, the sellers are not honest and the prices are outrageous.
Unless the sellers clean up their act, which means that the sellers accurately describe what they are selling, I will initiate a campaign to have eBay ban these chips and the sellers.