What may be going on here is a matter of symantics(sp). If all the Bugbear does is go into the address book and send out e-mails, then by the definition it is NOT a virus.
Yes, it is a pain in the arse and you don't want it. However, when one company (McAffee) calls it a virus and one (Symantic) doesn't it calls for confusion.
- RANT - Now here's the kicker, most (AND THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE) tech's are lucky if they could tell you what and how their own computer they bought at Fred Myeer works let along the LAN/WAN they are responsible for.
So, when it comes to something like virii I'm not surprised this comes up as often as it does.
As long as we're still reading this message, does anyone want to buy some stock from Walt Disney's sons? - END RANT -