I DO have USB ports... BUT I bought a scaner a few months ago (knowing this one was dying) and it couldn't "interpret" certain colors (like red and oranges). I exchanged it... but had the same problem. I run a digital card reader from a USB port (no problems)... but could an older port not communicate with some of the newer hardware?
My pc is older (3-4 years old)... current scanner runs through printer/ parallel port. (which is why it's sooooooo slow.) But as far as "slapping in one of those puppies" (a port, video card... plugging in speakers ) all I can say is: I DON'T DO THAT!
Here it is... the shameful truth... (hangs head ): I am mechanically challenged (BIG-TIME).
I do NOT pick up a screwdriver unless I'm hanging pictures (I use the handle to tap in nails.
And before you ask... OF COURSE I have a hammer. My sister bought me one so I wouldn't use a salad bowl. I use IT to mash bananas (for banana bread.)
I hate to think about upgrading because I HAVE to hire a 'puter nerd - who runs $200 - $300 an afternoon - when in reality - I know I'm due to for a new pc. Yup.... it's time to trade in the Zip drive for a CD burner - but I don't want to spend WEEKS reinstalling my "life" (not today). All I want is a WORKING scanner. And I DO want that TODAY!
Is it too much to ask for a decent scanner?
One that likes my pc... isn't color blind...
and picks up cross-hatching so I don't have to draw it in ...