I left out my stint in the pool hall because I liked working there Andy! A whisk broom in one hand and a soft bristle brush in the other and I can whip up a mean cloud of blue chalk dust in a hurry!
Scotty let me bartend two shifts a week for a while. $2 an hour, $32 a week. It was a 3.2 beer bar, catering to mostly 18-year-olds who thought tipping was a city in China... While I was already pretty street savy, working in the pool hall taught me how to hustle. ...and I don't mean that in a bad way. I learned how to match up with someone playing 9-ball so that I had a chance to beat a better player. If a better player was feeling bold and offered me a spot where I had the advantage, I learned to never turn it down, and keep playing until the other guy's pockets were empty. ...one of those "a fool and his money" deals.
...it blows me away sometimes when I look back on those days. In 1976, I was making that $32 a week working in a pool hall. In 1985, I was opening my own billiards lounge, a separate business to compliment the business I had then and still have today.
I received the Who chip. Thanks again for the contest!