Although I understand for many people personal cheques are more convenient than on-line payment methods like Paypal, it can work both ways - based in the UK, there are often auctions that I would bid on if it were not for the fact that the seller ONLY takes personal cheques or money orders, neither or which I have access to. Sellers taking Paypal mean I can bid and so they tend to be the ones whose auctions I bid on. Unfortunately it also applies to my occasional auctions as a seller - I'll take anything I can (!), but I can't bank personal cheques or money orders from the US without very high charges (minimum $8) compared to the level of prices my auctions bring, so those are the 2 methods of payment that I cannot accept.
I do bid on other auctions occasionally but it involves me arranging for someone else to make the payment on my behalf and so I only do that for occasional auctions.
Just wanted to share the other side of the coin. Jason.