Here is the deal. One of the 10 original participants in the California lottery only sent in $10.00. The contribution was $20.00.
Therefore we have one opening left at a cost of $10.00. Now please understand, for $10.00 you get to participate in the last 6 drawings--not particularily a good deal if you lose--but a bargain if we win. The last drawing will be October 26. I have not as yet looked to see if we won anything in the past drawings. Thought I would do this at the end. I'm leaving Wednesday for a few weeks and if I'm not back by October 26th, I will cash in whatever we have when I finally do return.
First one to respond on the board gets in. The lottery now stands at $82 million. It will be split 10 ways is another person comes in and of course, if we win.