Pete- Seems to me like an example why we should all insure big purchases (or sales). I made a trade on this board ($5 + $25 Who for $5 +$25 Depeche). He got his Who, I haven't gotten my Depeche. I assumed we would have to work out the loss, but the trader (Jim Molloy) had the good sense to take insurance. Had it been my chips that never arrived, I don't know what I would have done. If it were a fellow club member (both our reputations on the line) I'd have offered to split the loss because we both failed to get insurance. From now on, anything else I send over $25 gets either insured or priority mailed (I
ll eat a loss under $25).
Sounds to me like Dean gopt stuck in a bad place. He handled it poorly. That sucks.
Still doesn't make hima thief in my eyes.