Thank YOU Peter...
This chip is listed in The Chip Rack as having a value of $250 to $299 in very good condition, and in The Official U.S. Casino Chip Price Guide at $375 in perfect condition, which yours (and every other one I've seen) seems to be.
In the past year, 5 of them have appeared on eBay, with the winning bids at: $331 - $304 - $218 - $172 - $172. The last two of these appeared in March, which indicates that probably none of the eBay dealers has an inventory and that the universe of these chips (most likely less than 20) are in the hands of collectors.
If I had to put an actual "value" on these, I would say that it is a solid $300 to $400 chip at least, but that if you decide to put one on eBay, you should expect to realize something in the $200 to $300 range.
Hope this helps.