Here is a scan of two of the numbered roulettes.
Don't know if you know it or not but there are other obs roulette chips besides these. There are five more table sets with seven colors for each table that are OBS as well. I will post an example on a different message. Then you have the five current roulette table sets with seven colors each.
As far as your question regarding what makes up a complete Hard Rock set... I see THREE different paths that a "set collector" could take...
1. One would be to just acquire one example of each "table chip" that has been issued. As a result, then IMHO the CD cases would not be a requirement for that set. This table set would also include the Barris chips and Roth chips but CD Case not necessary. (It is my understanding that the Barris set and Roth sets are considered "live" chip but not really put into play??? If this is incorrect, please correct me). The demonination level would have to be what you are interested in. (i.e., $5 only, $25 and lower, $100 and Lower, etc).
2. The 2nd path a "set collector" could take would be to acquire all releases from the Hard Rock. That would then introduce the need for the CC>CC 2001 and 2002 chips as well as the Pindex chips for 2000, 2001, and 2002. Additionally you would need to get the complete CD Sets for the Barris, Roth and Hagar.
3. Finally the 3rd path is one that would be next to impossible to do. That would be to acquire all of the "ERROR" chips, the PINDEX Prototype chips (See Norman Clem for those!).
Finally, What about the tokens issued? Not only do you have the current tokens but OBS token as well. Also there are a couple of different "prototype tokens" (one is shown below, sorry no traders... well maybe for a Sammy $25 ).