"The word "error" in chip collecting implies only a few made, maybe 1 or 2. Anyone that wanted a stack oy [sic] your chip could have gotten it and probably did. The word "error" in your ebay sale implies "scarce", IMO."
You are saying that by describing the chip as an "error", I'm implying that only 'one or two' of them are made? (your words) Well you are exactly right about one thing Gene--it is indeed only YOUR opinion; which is your personal right to believe. But, what I wrote was the absolute truth; the chip IS an error. If you happen to think that the word "error" means a run of 1 to 2 chips, then that is your privilege, but that doesn't mean you're right. I have always assumed the word "error" simply means the product in question was finished (the completed product) in a manner other than it was originally intended. I don't think Bally's intended for the name of the town to be mis-spelled; thus, I assume it is an error. Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't say anything, nor does it necessarily imply, that the item is "scarce". It is up to the individual reader to derive meaning. Because it's an "error", there is a DIFFERENCE from the original intent, but "scarce" (your word)??? If I was going to describe the chip as "scarce", I would have USED that term, or one like it, like "rare", etc. When I buy items with the description "error" I buy them with this assumption in mind. You're obviously a chip collector; you should know this yourself!!!
I don't know how many of the error chips were made, and until I see them for myself, I don't know for sure if Bally's intends to replace them with corrected ones (although Todd Desnoyers, a respected member of this BB, says he thinks they have been pulled off the tables, and are going to correct it). I never wrote, nor did I IMPLY, the chip is "scarce" because I don't know for sure that is a true statement. If what Todd said is true, then the chip will go from an UNCORRECTED error to a CORRECTED one.
You also said anyone who wanted a stack of them could have gotten them and probably did? That's a very general statement Gene; how do YOU know for sure that is true? I work in the area, and I didn't know the chips were there until I happened to see them on a craps game; there was no advertisement that I ever saw that said Bally's had quarter craps. I can tell you this, the pit critters were watching those particular chips like a hawk, and didn't allow ANYONE to walk off with a stack of 25-cent chips. Like a roulette game, they were asked to "color up" before they left. Who knows for sure how many of those chips are now in the public domain?
Since you've stated your opinion, let me post mine. I have the unpleasant feeling you are insinuating I am trying to be less than honest in my posts and auctions, which I am NOT. I have 50 "+" feedbacks on , both as a buyer and a seller, and no negatives. I thnk
should be fun, and until now, it has been. It is a great medium to find something you are seeking, especially if you're a collector. Your insinuation (if that is what you are doing) that I am trying to deceive someone by describing something in a less than accurate or truthful manner is an attack on my character. I respect your opinion, but I would like everyone who reads this BB to know that when I perceive my integrity getting called into question, I have to respond. I have never stated, nor IMPLIED, anything in my auctions that wasn't an accurate statement. An "error" is just that; it's an ERROR. Not necessarily "scarce", because that is not the true meaning of "error"! Now, if someone knowledgable in chip collecting will show me an official guideline that defines an error chip as also being "scarce", please respond to me personally at the above e-mail address. I don't want to use up BB space w/personal squabbles. Thank you everyone, for your time.