Beware of this Bashore guy.When asked the person in life he most respects, he will answer "Batman"
He thinks the Bengals have an outside chance at the Superbowl.
He thinks Bin Laden is german for "Good Morning"
He stood in line for two hours to get a few Who chips, then was dissapointed to learn that it wasn't the "Guess Who"
He was involved in a terrible skiing accident,on
the bunny hill, and had to be helped down the slope on a stretcher, while small children laughed and pointed at him.
He often plays $5 on black and $5 on red at the same time while playing roulette, then looks for high fives whenever it doesn't come up green.
He often finds his parked vehicle in the middle of intersections because of his refusal to use a parking brake.
As a young boy his house was surrounded by detectives and members of the swat team, when they traced calls from his house made to random names from a phone book, asking if they had Prince Albert in a can.
He mocks others openly over their choice of drinks, just because he doesn't like the name "Slo Gin Fiz".
He completely empties the catsup machine at Mc Donalds onto a single hamburger.
His desk at work looks like an archeological dig gone horribly wrong.
Must I go on????
Please careful.