I am sorry you feel offended or guilty.
I just re-read the email we send out and your name was not mentioned.
Yes it is true that someone did call gaming and told them a bunch of lies. Instead of us having to go thru all the Paper work and trying to explain everything to gaming we decided to go ahead and chancel it. Plus we were running out of time.
So yes you and the other few people that made negative posts accomplished their goal. They made sure we are not doing these. They made sure there will not be any extra exposure to the club and they made sure that the Building Fund is not going to get $1000. Job well done guys.
You were so afraid that we might make a dollar profit on a show and you have to pay a little more for a chip because you can't be here. The truth of the matter is that the absolute best profit we coulda made on the show was $9500 . That is we sold every single chip we made. And we had no extra expenses which we always do. So we wouldn't make a killing. And that being split between 2 people and hundreds of hours of work.
Doesn't sound too good does it. And don't even mention the stress we have to go thru because some people are just jealous and some other people are just narrow minded. I didn't even go to the WHO CHIP RELEASE because I had meeting all morning related to the show. I guess if I don't do the show and get the who chips I can make $3000 there and way less stress.
You guys think the dealers are all saints. I had one dealer brag to me that he got 60 of the early bird pindex chips at $20 a piece at the pre-pindex party. But now he sells em for 175 on his web page. That is more profit than I make on the show. But nothing goes to the club and you get nothing. No event , we are butting a activity for you guys together and you should apprciate that. What if we quit and don't do it. Then there is nothing too do for shows as in vegas. I guess Online dealers would love that because they know most money would be spend with them on their web pages. So some of the dislike shows in general and try to make the look negative. and some you see at every show doing something too support it.
You wanna talk about a corrupt chip. What about the Saddle west which you sell at $49 for a $1 chip and you seem to be the only dealer that has em. I know who runs the chip programs over there and I also know if one more funny chip comes out of there I WILL BE ON THE PHONE TOO GAMING.
Anyways I have a lot of work too do. We realize that the negativity is just a small few people of the hobby and we are not going to let them destroy everything. We are still working on putting something together where we can honor the chippers and make some money for the club fund.
Don't expect me too reply too anymore posts , because I think some of you just love too fight.
You live for this stuff. You are waiting for somebody too build something so you can tear it down.