Last post about the same question OVER and Over.
First of Barry read my past post about the show and being two complete seperate companies.
Peter its no secret that Rick Olsen ( ) and Rene Nezhoda ( promote the shows. It has been mentiond several times on this board and its we are both listed as sponsors on the show web site.
As far as the details of out partner-ship , I don't mean to be rude but that is none of your business.Before I know it you will ask for financial statements.
As far as Hard Rock being a NVC chip we have done that in the past and everyone complained and said why don't you make it a real face value chip. Which we have done now.
If I as buy chips from the show I have too pay for them $5 per chip for admissions. Of course because I own part of the show I get a profit back. But we are hopeing that all chips will sell out at the show and I won't even buy any. Let the other dealers make the mark up money. Because I can see already these chips will be extremly hot.
This is how we see it. We charge $5 admission at every show. We will do the same at this show. But if you do not care about the chips you can take your $1 chip take it to the cage and cash it out.
Now you actually only pay $4 admission. If you feel like you need all 8 chips then you have to buy 8 admissions. Just like at the pindex show if you feel like you need 10 pindex chips you need to go over and over and over in line. Yes we understand by issuing these chips we will take in more money at the door. That is part of the motivation. We do need to make money.
But we are also honoring some special people.
And we are donating $1000 to the building fund.
Jim how often do you have a company donate $1000 to the building fund. I think not too often.
So everyone wins.
If you knew all the work involved in doing a show you wouldn't complain that we make some money.
In the past shows got an attendance of about 300 we did 3 shows so far and ranged from 500 3 weeks after sept 11 too over 800 on a superbowl weekend. And that is a good thing for the hobby.
As a matter of fact I shouldn't even be talking about this but we are trying to finish of a deal . If this deal goes thru we will have over 2000 people walk thru our show. That is something the hobby has never seen before. Trust me there is a lot more work involved in doing this.
I guess if you have a lot of time maybe you can come too vegas and promote a free show and do all the work and make sure you get good attendance and all the media coverage , and then you will get too see first hand how much work it is. Plus I am in the business to make money , I have a lot of bills to pay.
And you might feel a little different about us makeing a profit.
And if you still feel that we are doing something that is completely corrupt and we are just takeing advantage of chippers then I recommend you just go ahead and don't buy the chips. And no harm has been done :)
And I am not going to answer same question over and over and over anymore. Because believe it or not we still have a lot of work too do and we do have lives besides the show and casino collectibles.
Best wishes