Hi Pete!
First of I am not sure who the what is his name guy is. So if you give me more hints I can explain it. 2nd these chippers where not choosen in any specific order. Because we choose those 8 chippers does not mean they are the top 8. Its just 8 people that deserve to be recognized. We do understand there a probably over 100 more people that deserve the same recognition. Just of the top of my head here is a few : Wheelden , Knapp , Fuller , Campiglia , Thompson , Saito , Lauderman , anybody that ever published a book or served on the board . PLus many many more. But we can only do a few at a time and no matter who chose we understood someone will be upset or feel left out. But more and more will come.
Now here is a short explanation of each person what comes too me top of the head. And also the actually chips don't say Famous Chippers it simply says " That you for your contributions "
And all 8 of these folks have gone above and beyond the call of duty :)
Archie Black : Founder of the Club , President for 8 years I think. Published books and etc.
Jim Kruse : One of the Main forces in getting the building fund going along with andy hughes. Has been running the club auctions . Organizer of chip shows back east. Frequently volunters for the CCGTCC events .
Greg Susong : Well we gave him the honor because he is gonna supply me with sonic burgers for the rest of my life and since I have a slight weight problem this deal was too good too pass up. No all kidding aside Greg founded thechipboard.com which I think took chipping on the internet too whole new level. Also greg published a Book on Riverboat chips. And he has an online casino guide plus he always smiles.
Steve Cutler : Steve has been in the hobby as probably one of the orignal chippers. He has been involved in every aspect of chipping. Including contributions too books and tv shows about vegas and casino collectibles. He has promoted shows and of course his biggest achievement is the Casino Legends Hall of Fame .
Bruce Landau : Another early time chipper. I think Bruce has been contributing to CCGTCC events since their first held event. He organized the club auction for many years helped to run the Hall of fame for chipper at the convention. Helped in organization of other club functions. This man has been around :)
Gene Trimble : Well pretty much any book realted too Casino Collectibles you will find gene's name under one of the contributors. Gene has wrote several articles on casino collectibles and researched many interesting stories we might of never know about. Including the Idendification of several hundred casino chips. He also ran chip programs at several casinos. Organized Free chips for CCGTCC conventions to be given out too attendees. He helps at every convention doing something. Ran the elections since I can remember. And I am sure he has done a lot more. But that is all that I can thing of . PLus his column is getting too long :)
Howard Herz : Howard has published several books. Done Endless years of research about casino collectibles. Was one of the larges dealers of one time. Ran one of the most popular chip auctions way before the days of ebay. Was probably also one of the first collectors that just had too have every chip. He promoted is own shows and still does up in Minden. Been part of the Club Auction and creates the Club Auction Catalog. And does a lot more.
Allan Myers : This young man has been collection chips longer than I have been alife. He has
published several books. Including the most selling book THE CHIP RACK which he is a co-author. Plus Allen is the kinda guy you can call anytime of the day and he will give you advice about chips.
Like I said there is many guys that deserve recognition. And more will come in the future.
Hope that helped you out.
Best Wishes