See you are right :)
You Said : "
Rene, I don't want to get into it on these either but comparing these to HR chips is not accurate due to the cross-over collectors. "
You just proved my point. Hard rock has cross-collectors and many people specialize in hard rock. And even they only do 500 chips. Now do you think someone that is not a chip collector will care about a chip with a picture of Archie Black. Probably not. So only chip collectors will want these.
Now as for your price. I think the set will go for over $50. Because in order to get a set you would have to buy 8 admissions. And I think dealers will mark em up a little. Since they would like to make some profit too. But I am sure you will be able to buy these from dealers like . Steve Josh Chuck Andy etc. at $7 per chip just like any other new chip coming out in vegas.
But maybe you know something I don't know.
Do you know a place where I can buy pindex chips that sold at the show with admission for $10 for $5 . Or even if you know anybody that is willing to sell em too me for $10 i would be interested.
If so please give me that source.
As far as be selling any I am not sure. As you might know Rick is my partner in the show. And its a seperate company from . At the end of the show if there is chips left over then I might go ahead and buy some for my web site and offer them at whatever the going rate is. As for the other left over we will give them out at the next show. But I think we will sell most of them at the nov show since these will be popular with chippers.
I don't know what else you want me too say.
We are honoring Chippers , we are donating money to the Club Building Fund . I do not know what else you want me to do.
All I know is that I received at least 20 emails the last 2 hours and everyone is happy that we do these chips. Plus all the positive post in the message boards here. You are the only person who thinks its negative. But I guess you can't make everyone happy.
Best Wishes