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The Chip Board Archive 07

Re: September 11th. Let�s act...

Great idea.
As a new member of the Houston chapter, I would like to add these to the pot for the winner. A few casinos down our way. The Texas Treasure card has had the name and number removed.
Please advise us as to the winner's address.
What a positive way to start/finish the day-- I guess it depends on if you have been to bed yet.

Messages In This Thread

September 11th. Let�s act...
Carlos... will open with $25.00 grin
I bid $50 to the cause, whether I win or not
Thanks Carlos
I'll throw in these 2 chips to the winner..
Re: 4 Slotcards and 7 chips to the winner!!! grin
Euro chips to help....
Re: Euro chips to help....
Tournament chips to help....
" Don�t ask what red cross can..
$100 is bid.
Re: $100 is bid.
Re: September 11th. Let�s act...
Re: September 11th. Let�s act...
Re: September 11th. 2 hours and half
Re: September 11th. Let�s act...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg