Gary, you forgot to add the $0.49¢ postage plus the bubble wrapper (if you don't recycle--which I always do.) Now your up to at least $1.64¢. So if you are lucky enough to sell a $1.00 chip for $3.00 which is usually the maximum one can get for a current $1.00 chip, you only make $0.36¢ not counting gas, tape, labels etc.
So what's the solution? Well, as I see it, you have two choices to make. The most logical one is don't bother selling you current chips--trade them.
The other is to join the chips@face list (if your not already a signee) whereas you will be many dollars ahead by just selling your chips for face value and in return you get to buy them for the same price.
If you keep any sort of records whatsoever, go back and see how many chips you have sold (say during the past 6 omnths) and the total you
received for them and compare that to the total amount of chips you purchased and that total, and see if you are dollars ahead or behind.
Unless you are a new chip service, your going to be in the red zone with your purchases.
I, for one, know I am hundereds of dollars ahead by selling my chips for face plus $1.00 postage. Living in Northern California, I get very few new chips up here to sell but on the other hand, I get the opportunity to buy one heck of a lot at face value. When I do get a chip, it goes to those on the list.
Ebay, Jackpot etc. are good for obsolete and or high end chips, not the common current ones.
Most importantly, keep in mind the goodwill. I can't believe the extra $1.00 or two is worth the extra time and hassle involved to put things on ebay.