with all that is planned to take place this week. I was playing with my son today and started to think what I was doing last year at this time. I had just switched jobs and was on vacation the week of Sept 11th. I woke up that day to paint the garage when I turned on CNN that moring I saw Arron Brown reporting how a plane flew into the Trade Center. I thouhgt how did someone do that. I never thought about terrorist. Then a little later the 2nd plane flew into the other tower, then I knew something was wrong..I decided not to take Stone to daycare. All I could to, was think about those poor people. When the towers collapsed I held onto my son. There was a guy spraying the lawn and he heard me scream NO..He came to the door and asked what was wrong I invited him in. He had heard nothing about the events that took place...He was in shock...We started to talk and discussed how our childrens lives may never be the same as before Sept 11th.
My point is to make sure you hug and tell your kids and loved ones that you love me them and be thankful for what you have. Collecting chips is a great hobby and we have all made some great friends and had some great times and that is what is important.
Everyone have a safe and happy week.
If you want to see a nice website with many tributes to 9/11 visit http://www.worldtradetribute.com/index5.htm