Round Robin!
I will call it:
Jim F’s Uncirculated-Only, Mixed Denominations Round Robin
As the name implies this is a highly focused, very disciplined Round Robin. Please consider well, your interest and ability to fully participate in this Round Robin.
Here are the rules:
1. All chips MUST be new/un-circulated (double-check any Bud Jones offerings!).
2. Exchange for like denominations only.
3. Each participant must record his/her Takes and Adds (sheets will be provided).
4. It is anticipated that each participant will faithfully follow the rules, however, in the event that someone feels that the rules do not apply to them, then a dissatisfied recipient may find remedy by:
a. Re-packaging the RR (without making any trades) and sending it to me. I will take the matter up with the participant who spoiled the Round Robin. Once a correction is made, the Round Robin will be sent back. Or,
b. Simply correct the situation with your trades (do not re-contact the sender) and then send the Round Robin to the next person in line as though nothing went wrong.
5. Use Priority Mail, Delivery Confirmation.
6. Once again, please consider the requirements before jumping in. You must have traders, and they MUST be new/un-circulated.
The Round Robin will be limited to 7 or 8 participants. There will be a selection of .25¢, .50¢, $1, $2.50, $3.00 and $5 chips. The first recipient needs to be interested in a selection that favors Nevada chips, as that is the preponderance of my traders. Be sure to denote your interest in being first.
Sign-ups will be via email request only, and will be manifested in the order in which they are received. Be sure to include a mailing address.
Jim Follis