"Take the space a roulette table occupies and put in 10 slots that can give you 15 or more plays per miunute and earn you 10% and you know why
most casinos now covet the slot players."
Have you been to Sands lately Bob ... where there table games have been severely reduced to the 10% floor space you have cited? Rows and rows of empty slot machines sit idle with NO ONE playing them, while the few remaining tables in the far corner of the casino floor do not have enough seats for the amount of table players who want to play. Those "5¢ slot players" are putting in 45 nickels per spin (9 x 5)... ($2.25) which comes to a hell of a lot more than a quarter or half-dollar player spends on reel machines per spin. I think Sands and Carl Ichan have engaged in a bit of "over-kill"... and must be re-thinking their decision ... especially now that the 2002 summer season is over.