As you ask I send a photo from the book O Jogo em Portugal ( gambling in Portugal)- Jose Pereira de Deus e Antonio Lé.The photo in from CASINO DE ESPINHO and the plaques are from the collection of the same casino.I go there I saw the plaques-they have only a few, about six or eight.
These plaques are from the beginning of the Casino, they don´t know much about that.The value are in ESCUDOS, so they are circa after 1910, I think circa twenties.
One of the first owner of Casino de Espinho was Freitas Ribeiro, that was also a owner of several other casinos in Lisbon(before the regulamentation of gambling in 1927)like CLUB BRISTOL, ang after 1927 owner,also, of CASINO DA CURIA.
The initials are FR- I really think is the true.