I found these chips at the Hillsville, VA Labor Day Flea Market. Small town in southern VA about 20 miles from I-81. Must be over 1200 vendors. Stalls set up in fields and along both sides of the one lane road thru town . What a zoo. Gas stations even closed the pumps so stalls could be set up. Best luck I have ever had finding chips at flea markets. It was a great but tiring day. Luckily the rain held off until I left.
Lucky Spot / Radio, San Diego, Ca. Both sides of chip shown. TGT only lists a H&C. Eastman's does show the small crown
Discovery Cruise Line, Port Everglades, FL, same on both sides, Lighterman / Ginsburg guide
AC, same on both sides. Arabi club per Hertel's guide but only brown & gray listed not this yellow.
Island Palms, Jackson, CA per Kregg's USPCC guide same on both sides
TB, Hub mold, same on both sides, not in TGT. Anyone have an ID?