If a chip says LTD 250, and the casino issues an additional 250, they would be subject to lawsuits on any number of grounds. Basically, they sold you a product and lied about what it was. The claims might be SLIGHTLY more difficult in the event of a Hagar chip, since most of them were given away for free, but there would still be plenty of grounds to sue them on, and win.
The difference between that and the Barris sets is that the words "Limited Edition" don't mean much. Limited could easily mean "limited to as many as we make." Or as I stated before, it could be like selling Jack Daniels in a "limited edition" commmorative bottle -- the packaging is limited, not the contents. The words LTD 250 on a chip have specific meaning. The casino is guaranteeing that only 250 of those chips will be made. Gaming doesn't need to get involved if they break that promise. The law has numerous remedies to deal with people who misreprsent a product.