Good point Andy.
We all assign value to things based on the importance that that thing has to us.
I guess after standing in line for 9 hours to buy the set, like all the rest of the chippers and having to go wait in that long line for George Barris to autograph each insert and to go the extra mile for customers and collectors who might buy it from me, is just the way I do business.
So you are telling me that an autographed guitar from Peter Townsend isn't worth more than going down and buying a duplicate guitar from a music store and telling people it was his?
Or does the autograph on Barry Bonds 73rd home run create more value to the one that holds it in his/her possession?
At times, a lot goes in to obtaining an autograph.
In this case, my time was worth the little extra that I might charge, and the autograph creates value for the buyer as well.
This is strictly my opinion, but I think it is valid.