I previously ran several Round Robins (RR's) but now I am reluctant to do so again because of the abuse of some chippers. I would say that 8 or 9 out of 10 participants in my RR's were honest and fair and I would welcome them back to any future RR's I run. But there were the one or two who were out to take advantage. Some of the tactics played by the bad guys are:
1) Replace a chip in the RR with exactly the same chip from their collection, but in worse condition
2) Put in chips that do not meet the guidelines of the RR. For example, replace an obsolete chip with a current chip or put in chips from locations not included in the RR.
3) Put in chips that are in some way damaged
4) Replacing chips with other chips of lesser value
If I run a RR in the future there is a list I have of chippers who will not be included based on past experience.
I was in the same RR as Mike Skelton, in fact I was right before him and forwarded the RR to him. All in all I would say that it was the worst RR I participated in because earlier participants took advantage. I always look to compensate the individual who ran the RR for their efforts. In this RR I took 4 chips and I replaced them with chips of higher TCR value ratings.
I will note that in this RR an earlier participant took chips that are TCR rated at G, H and I (total of $95 to $117 and replaced them with a set of chips from the Saddle West casino in Pahrump - N3331, N3330 and N1302 that are also rated G, H and I. However these chips were recently found in quantity and sets of these chips have recently sold on eBay for only $7.99. IMHO whoever did this STOLE from $88 to $109 from the RR. I had exactly the same thing happen in one of my RR's and I found out who did it and made them make good. Isn't it funny that the same individual was an earlier participant in this RR ???