OK- fine, one more reply
Bob- I'll be glad to address the points you made. You seem to say that because a minuscule percentage of muslims are involved in a war againast America, we should be wary of anyone who looks Muslim. That's simply idiotic. It's inneffective. It doesn't target the enemy, it targets people that an untrained few believe look like the enemy. Can you differentiate between a Hundu from India and a Muslim from Pakistan? I doubt it. Can you tell the difference between a Middle-Eastern Jew and a Middle-Eastern Muslim?
WHAT PERCENTAGE OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION IS MUSLIM? HOW MANY MORE LOOK LIKE THEY COULD BE MIDDLE_EASTERN? Sure, let's put them all under a microscope! F-ING BRILLIANT!!!! WHere are you going to get the manpower to profile them? It's the most impractical idea on earth. It's like cops finding out that a black man killed someone in South Dakota, and asking the City of New York to quarantine Harlem until they have time to question everyone about it.
The fact is, those who want to be suspicious of all middle-easterners are not motivated by reality, they're motivatd by fear, ignorance and hatred. Most of them have always hated middle-easterners. Most of them are using this as an excuse.
It was a dark day in America's history when we corralled up all the Japanese Americans and put them in camps. Yet that made a lot more sense than the idea of harassing all Muslims.
If you look back in history, people have always tried to coral up their enemies into an easilt-identified group and paint them as sub-human, not like us, different, untrustworthy, suspicious. And it always maeks the world a worse place. We were so suspicious of the Soviet Union (all they wanted was a different economic structure) that we labeled them an "evil empire" and trained rebels in Afghanistan to use horrible means to fight them. It was OK to teach guys like Bin Laden to kill effectively, because the Soviets were so bad. Brilliant move. Then Sadam was the "new Hitler," after we helped build him up. SUbhuman. Not worth dealing with. Israel says it about the Palestinians. Hitler said it about Jews. American said it about Native Americans, and blacks, and now Muslims. Great plan. Spread hate. Treat some people as second class citizens because of their skin. It's worked so well in the past, I'm sure it will work now.