PLEASE- Nost struggles for independence are fought with tactics considered terrorism by the powers that be. The AMerican Revolution most definitely used terrorist tactics. Do you think tarring and feathering a government worker is "legitimate warfare"? How about Burning down the homes of those who supported the British? If you want a Hollywood version, watch "The Patriot." Take a look at how the civilized British viewed our tactics.
And Malcolm X was just as responsible as black civil rights as Martin Luther King. I believe his quote was "by whatever means necessary."
Look, I don't agree with anyhting the arabs have done in Israel proper. I believe their legitimate targets are Israeli settlers and IDF forces. HOWEVER, I also think that the IDF should be held accountable for using children as huiman shields, intentionally firing on newsmen, punishing entire villages for the sins of one terrorist, and killing children in the middle of the night in order to get an alleged terrorst. Both are equally evil in my eyes.