"we live in a democratic society, were the fundamendalists is boilling to a point,were everyone is pointing a finger to all extremists right and left that hate loving peace.we can not ignore that"
Jack even excusing the typos (which I am as guilty of as anyone) I can't make even the slightest sense out of this.
First you post a "quiz" to draw attention to the fact that a lot of terrorists are Muslim extremists. I point out that a lot are also CHristian and Jewish extremists, and you ignore that, and tell me you make your judgments based on theology -- which I tell you sounds a lot like what Osama preaches. You then offer the above nonsensical quote.
Which is the problem in your eyes? the fact that we live in a democratic society? The finger-pointing? Or the extremists? ANd how does any of that relate to your original post which implies that Muslims are more likely to commit acts of terrorism? ANd where do you get off ignoring the Christian and Jewish extremists? And why won't you admit that you can't profile a "muslim extemist" by looking at him?
What you're really saying is we should single out Arabs. And that's absurd. Like I said before, it lets McVeigh, John Walker, and a whole lot of others pass right through security.