You all stated that the prices paid for the $5 & $25 Flamingo rectl molds was, in essence, too high. "not like first hand information wasn't posted", "goes triple for the $25" and "people that paid this price for this chip will be sorry".
Other than John's post I found in the archives about the old timer with $500 in face value of these chips ($5 & $25) and the son (possibly) having them now, is there other information about quantities of either or both of these chips? If there is, would one of you or all of you care to share this info with the rest of the class?
I already have one, so it's not like I'm shopping, but I am sure such info would help a lot of folks that read this board.
This next part is just a general comment and not directed at anyone in particular. If we (members) KNOW that 20 of these (or any other chip)are actually out there, can't we just come right out and say so? The one thing that has always made this a great hobby, is that most people have always freely shared information, except when it comes to "new finds in quanity". Granted, there are exceptions to this as well.
I guess it just comes back to the money! I have 20 of a chip that sells for $1500. I'll slowly release them and milk this thing for all it's worth. When the demand slows down, I'll dump the rest of them at $400 and be done with it. And the poor slob who paid $1500 on the front end is just out of luck. Anyone care to remember what the going rate of Horseshoe arodies were several years ago? I am sure there are other great examples.
And yes I know all about supply and demand, free markets, chips being worth what someone is willing to pay and buyer beware. But at some point don't ethics have to come into play?
Or worse yet, is someone "repairing" all those drilled examples out there and this is where all these "new finds" are coming from? I hate to even think of the havoc that would cause!