Andy - Thanks a ton for the story, but Jesus Christ, did anyone else feel that Wired and the author were working way too hard to conjure up the days of Bugsy!?!?
First, the author offhandedly mentions his computer going missing, but then blows it off. Was it stolen or not!!!!!!! Take a stand! I suspect he was just trying to conjure up paranoia.
Later, he repeatedly refers to counters running when the "suits" arrive. Why? He talks of basement tactics. Were they ever illegal? Was anyone ever harmed? If so, why didn't he mention? If not, why did he and his pal run from the Hard Rock suits?
If I were beating the house like they did, I sure as hell wouldn't run. I'd wait and be politely escorted to Nobu. But you know he needed to add the heart-pumping bull-doody to sell the story. i don't buy it.
Anyone who wants to be really revolutionary card-counter should add alawyer to the team they mentioned. Make the casino justify every person the kick out, and while they're doing it, have anew team swoop in. I volunteer as that lawyer.