Ya know... sometimes you guys CRACK ME UP!!!! I got this email this morning...
Here is another "chippers" rendition of the San Diego Grand Opening... as only a chipper could describe it... (have done a few minor edits to keep this person's spouse out of it... and to get pass Greg's "naughty language" test
BB's wife is a nice lady and God help her for being a Chipper's wife!!
That place would be enough to keep you from going to harrahs ever again.
We went "out" last night for "dinner" (chips LOL)
I go in to get my diamond card and that is a 25 min wait, the Diamond and Platinum express lane sign is in the corner, so it is first come first serve.
on a brighter side, the food was good and it took almost 2 hrs to get my players card, eat, and get the chips from the cage,. So I only had about 2
not sure if I will ever go again, they really need to get organized
BB (Big Brother)
first I made "secret" reservations for the 10th and 11th. (My wife)is not in love
with the casino life, but once she gets there she has fun. An idiot host called Wednesday and left a message on the answering machine for us not to
forget about our reservations the 10th. She got p*ssed so I canceled the reservations. I have NEVER heard of a casino host leaving a message on an answering machine about reservation (unless the host know both you and your wife very well) This was not my case, but lets be honest some folks make reservations for casinos with other than their spouses and normally casinos
are very discreet about what they say and to whom.
and she has not figured where we are going until we get past Temecula LOL.
After we stand in line for 10 minutes just to get in (and the line had not moved) I got her diamond card walked up the guy at the door, and told him "they invited us, we did not just show up, so here is our diamond card, we don't need it anymore"
"oh, if you have a diamond card you can go right in" then I ask why didn't you say that about 10 min ago?"
sh** I am getting ahead of my self, they also sent us a "Parking Pass" to get into the parking lot, I will send that back to the casino GM. it was useless. we ended up in a dirt parking lot about 1/2 a mile away, they did have a shuttle, over a dirt bumpy road, kidneys still aching from the ride LOL
hrs to play and lose my money. That was not to bad either, they gave us a coupon for $60.00 cash, I won about $20.00 playing blackjack (glad they did not have a crap table) and my wife lost about $110.00 playing the slots, so with the $60.00 coupon and the meal comp we broke just about even.
Maybe I am easily amused, but I laughed my rear off. As a note... my BB is my friend, co-Harrahs collector and for the most time we look out for each other... but when it come to Harrah's chips, we can fight like siblings!