Well... being I don't drink, I can't blame THAT for my stupidity...
However... I see things (usually starting with letter H) and HAVE to have it... or neeeeeeeed it... I seem to act as if I have more money than common sense!
Once I bid what seemed like an outrageous amount (for me) on a slot card (especially when I don't collect slot cards! ... and I bid high (waaaaay high) thinking I'd have this huge proxy bid...
To my dismay, the current bidder had the same idea. The auction went straight up to $75.00... and I won the slotcard...
A week later a friend called me. He had gotten a couple FREE from his LV host and told me that if I didn't that card yet, I could have one of his - free.
I can't say this was a "bad Ebay deal"... just an example of when my impulsiveness cost me too much money (AGAIN!!
I am learning... IF I AM PATIENT, CHIPS (roulettes, slot cards... STUFF) WILL PRESENT THEMSELVES.
And I don't Ebay-around like a mad bidder anymore!
Now the chips you see in this scan, I got a heckuva good deal on... so things balance out hopefully!