Here is the requested list of Venders for the Reno Show as of today.
1. Steve Goodrich
2. James Campiglia
3. Doug Saito
4. Scott Hartman
5. "Whimpy's" Dave & Carol Wendleton
6. Armin Pfaender
7. Larry Holligbaugh, John Chamberlain
8. Casino Collectables
9. Cheques in the Mail
10. Tiny Treasures
11.Clyde & Toni Bailey "Northwest Trails"
12.Jim Munding
13.Jim Rauzy
14. Walt Gonski
15. Al Moe
16. C.T. Rodgers
17.Frank Lonteen
This Vender list should cover every need in the Memorabilia field. Only other thing needed to make this a Great Show is "YOU". SEE YA IN RENO.