Bally's was the MGM in 1975. It has a singles and a doubles version of the game. At one end of the court? was a Granite wall 30 to 40 ft high and about 30 ft wide. In singles the object was similar to hand ball. You throw the ball using your cesta? (a persolly made hand extension made of reeds and fashion into a scoop like thing that was worn on the hand and wrist).The ball had to hit the wall above a line and your opponent had to catch it on the fly and return it to the wall. The point went back on forth until someone miss getting it on the fly. Doubles was the same except you played with one man of the team in an up position and you had to alternate catches between team members. It used to be that your next years salary depended upon this years record. This sounds great-- pay for performance--- until the players started making deals with each other on the outcome of a game to help with next year's salary. Yes it would hurt one and help the other, but they balanced it out. When this hit the news it destoryed the betting side of it and the attendance went with it. It was most popular in Florida as far as the States are concrned.
It really was not a South American game, but was from the Basque country. The Mountainous area between France ans Spain. All the better players in the 70's were of Basque backgrounds.