Personally I don't know why people are seeking change, and I have no interest in pushing for a change of anything. Heck, I'm not even a member until I give Ralph my filled-out application with my check at the next meeting. But you may want to consider the following:
An entity can have more than one logo or trademark.
It's fairly common, actually. Think of the script-written phrase "Coca-Cola." OK, now think of the distinctive lettering of the shortened phrase Coke. Now think of the "swoosh" style red wave. Now think of the shape of a vintage Coke bottle. All are Trademarks of Coca Cola, used in different contexts.
There would be nothing wrong with ADDING TO what you have. If you want a more modern, stylized logo that simply includes the letter "CC>CC" in a stylized fashion, the board could easily commission one, and add it as a second official logo. It would be used in places where the full current logo isn't practical.
Just my 2-cents.