Another thing-I am very much in favor of keeping the logo and the club name just as it is. There is no valid reason that I can see for changing something that has been in place and growing steadily for almost fifteen years. Go right ahead new people and start your old excuse of the older members not wanting to change. Right on those of us that spent the first 8 years working our heads off to build a lasting organization do not want to see the very foundations being eaten away and changed. A group tried this about four years ago and found out members were not interested in changing the name. As some will remember in the very begining two whole membership meetings were spent in discussion on a name. Then there was a vote of the membership.
So the adoption of this name was the will of the entire membership at that time. Just because we have grown beyond our wildest imagination does not mean our foundations should be changed.
Or are we going to be like Las Vegas and just say OK that's old, tear it down and start over.
Las Vegas already has no history left and neither will this club if the name and image is changed to something new just for the sake of change.
Before you even have a first thought of changing the name you had better find out about the repercusions on our tax exempt statis. Believe me you DO NOT WANT to mess with that under any circumstances.
Janice O'Neal CH-008