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The Chip Board Archive 07

Re: eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
In Response To: Re: eBay most start at 99 cents eBay ()

I'm most offended, by people who are mostly offended.

I'd propose a ban on anyone who proposes a ban.

But as Groucho said, I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have someone like me as a member. ;)

And now I have to get back to work... Enough silliness.

Messages In This Thread

eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
Re: eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
Dang! Outbid within six minutes!
Sorry Mark...that be ME!! vbg
No problem...she was mine for a while!! vbg
Re: eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
Re: eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
Re: eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
Tattoo chip
Sorry typo- the tattoo genius is DIRK Vermin
Re: Tattoo chip

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