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The Chip Board Archive 07

eBay most start at 99 cents eBay

Mo' stuff on Ebay grin

Out of respect for certain people, I blacked out a few chips that are in a lot of inlaid poker chips I have on Ebay.

The Pussykat Tattoo Parlor advertising chip has a cuss word on it... so PLEASE - anyone who is offended by certain things or bad language, just click on by! sad ok? Thanks!

Now I feel like SUCH a baaaaaaaad girl!
Between "mean" chips and even cuss-word chips...
is there any hope for me at all? sad

Messages In This Thread

eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
Re: eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
Dang! Outbid within six minutes!
Sorry Mark...that be ME!! vbg
No problem...she was mine for a while!! vbg
Re: eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
Re: eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
Re: eBay most start at 99 cents eBay
Tattoo chip
Sorry typo- the tattoo genius is DIRK Vermin
Re: Tattoo chip

Copyright 2022 David Spragg