At this year's convention I was given some advice that I believe is worth repeating.
Don't speak ill of another guy's (or gal's) chips.
This could also be applied to the other guy's spelling, grammer, or knowledge of the original 13 colonies. Is it so hard to overlook these things? Personally it drives me crazy when people misuse there/their, your/you're, or say alot when what they really mean is a lot. I get over it though. Unless you are truly trying to give constructive criticism, I ask you to get over it too. (To/too is another pet peeve)
It seems like some people are anxious to blast away over the most trivial things. It is not necessary, and frankly it is tiresome.
Choose your battles wisely.
I wish I felt better now.
I will now crawl back into my naive little hole.
Peace to y'all.