You make some good points. Especially in relation to the casino where they don't even have any tables. That would be an exception to what I would define an LE. Personally, though, I would define them as both a casino chip and a souvenier. That is because of the fact that if they have a face value they are playable and cashable if presented to the cage. They are a souvenier though in relation to the fact that a casino produces them with the expectation that they will walk.
Regarding the issue of who we have to blame, I can't agree with you more. As long as there are collectors who will line up to pick up chips commemorating Change the battery in your smoke alarm day, (I hope this is a joke and there isn't really such a chip), the casinos are going to continue with these rediculous issues. I do believe though that it is totally up to them as to what chips they produce because they know the market research and will have to deal with the piles of chips left at the cage. The point still exists with me and I recall others mentioning the same, that I CAN'T get all of them. I would either be dissappointed trying or I would go broke buying them all. Therefore, I have to find criteria that I am comfortable with and be very selective of which chips I decide I want. Like I said before, that is significant meaning or personal interest, pleasure or emotional reaction and attraction to the art.
I guess I didn't directly answer the original question with my opinions. I do think they will continue well into the future. Especially since they do bring in new collectors. As long as there is an equal or greater turnover of newbies to those who are bored and selling they will continue. And as Rene mentions, there will be an apreciation in value when the seller wants to bail.
I have no interest in bailing out and plan to continue. I plan to just buy those that bring me a specific pleasure or experience and not buy just because it is an LE.
Happy Chipping.
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