If you are as serious of a Northern Nevada collector as I believe you are I find it strange that you don't know who these two individuals are.
These are the same individuals who were involved with the "Stray Antler" find a few years back. The same ones who sold "ALL" of the Stray Antler chips to Dennis Owen and Doug Saito; but somehow "forgot" about the sets they still had when the transaction was complete. The sets I saw with my own eyes that were for sale in their show case at the Union Plaza antique show.
If you really want to know more call Doug. Buy an auction catalogue and ask him about the Stray Antler deal with the two boys from Northern Nevada. Make sure you make a pot of coffee before you call - you'll be on the phone awhile.
Who knows he might even be able to fill you in on the Gold Dust find. One never knows!
Best, Jim