If you read the article you will see I talk about being able to "define" verbally your collection and attempting to complete that which you "define" as the "modus operandi" behind the truest, most obsessive-compulsive collector. When you talk about collecting everything "Casino Related" that is too large a definition to ever be completed.
It does not mean that you are not a collector anymore than it means that a person who accumulates and enjoys going after and persuing that which he collects is not also called a true collector.
I talk about different levels of motivation and obsessive-compulsive levels of "I must complete-ness" - but all in a general sense. Read the article, you will relate to what I am saying.
Eveyone in this hobby is a true collector. There will be no need to feel inferior in any way when you read the article. I am not making any judgement about any one style being better or more professional than any other style of collecting. Please Enjoy!