From the February 28, 1955 Las Vegas Review-Journal
"The flare of another Baby A-Bomb is expected to light the Southern Nevada sky tomorrow morning after its detonation from a Yucca Flat tower.
This shot is expected to be an alternate for Old No. 1, proposed first shot of the 1955 series, which has been postponed time after time because of unfavorable weather conditions.
Scientists from the Atomic Energy commission's test organization and weathermen were to meet today to determine what the meteorological outlook would be tomorrow morning and to determine whether Old No. 1 would come out of its roudhouse or whether an alternate experiment would be conductd.
Indications are that though weather conditions are improving somewhat, conditions still are not acceptable for the "Big Shot" and that if there is any test at all, it will be one of the less sensitive devices.
While no congressional observers will be on hand to witness a nuclear explosion tomorrow morning, it is expected that there will be other official observers on hand.
Troop participation, if any, is expected to be light.
If an alternate shot is fired, it will be the third of its type and the 34th nuclear detonation at the Nevada Test Site.
During the current series "Operation Teapot, alternate shots were fired on Feb. 18, an air drop from a B-36, and on Feb. 22, a tower shot."
And the weather forecast for the proposed test?
Clear, gentle winds, high 58�
Personal opinion: The area has seen more than its share of nuclear activity....they need leave the nuclear waste where it is, NOT transport it all to Yucca Mountain.