... you stay up too late, boys & girls?!!
You overlook the obvious. Or, as Gene would say, Duh! I agree with everything you said about the difference between our "members only" tables and the possibility that a private show would have non-members holding tables.
With the caveat that, as the brass core thing unfortunately demonstrated, even the threat of sanctions isn't always enough to deter unethical conduct.
>> It isn't for sale. Maybe it should be, like the Good Housekeeping
>> Seal of Approval. But that is a policy decision for the future.
Yes, worth considering at some appropriate time. If not for sale, perhaps gratis at least for the purpose of providing some level of "club sanction" for responsible members who are engaging in sales activities other than in club venues.
>> Finally, I do not consider this a trademark issue at all.
>> We can enforce our logo. Should we trademark it? Absolutely!
>> But that is a separate and distinct issue from this.
I agree with that, too (damn, aren't I agreeable this morning? ). Inasmuch as the club apparently approved use of the logo on this chip, which would not be inconsistent with maintaining club rights, this is not a trademark issue at all.
>> Maybe your son can help us get a federal registration.
I will discuss it with him.
>> By the way, as I wondered how you put in so much time on the
>> brass core matter, seemingly non-stop, I now notice that you
>> posted your reply to me at 2:12 am. No one should be up that late.
Actually, that was 2:12 am ChipBoard time, which was really only 12:12 am here in California, so not all that late (if you were to look at the times I've posted some other messages, you'd find that 12:12 am is actually reasonably early!!).
I'm a serious night owl, always have been. When I was a kid, I sometimes would read late at night by flashlight under my covers. My first ever all-nighter was when I was about 10 and started reading Robinson Crusoe one night and didn't stop until I'd finished just about the time I was supposed to get up for school.
Thanks for sharing your insights and expertise on this issue, Eric. We appreciate it.
----- jim o\-S