Jim; I fully support 100% Allan and Jim's efforts in putting on this show in Reno and for promoting THE HOBBY! Of course they welcome ALL CC & GTCC members ... and even chip and token collectors who are NOT club members.
Having said that, I do object to any perceived or imagined presentation some may have upon seeing this chip for the first time that this private commercial show is somehow being sponsored by the club or that somehow this show is endorsed by CC & GTCC.... which everyone on this bb agrees it is not.
This issue currently being debatd on the club board (as I see it) is not about trademark infringement. Allan nor Jim have not claimed that the logo is up for grabs because it is not a registered trademark. They went through the proper procedure and requested permission for its use. If the club officers had voted the other way and had denied permission for it's use ... and explained the reasons for their decision ... I'm sure that Allan and Jim would have accepted that decision ... just like they have accepted the approval decision the Board did render.
I simply think the Board should protect the official corporate logo with more vigor than they have in this case. And yes, a follow-up should be made by the Board to register this logo, or any potential future club logo, through legal means at their disposal. This is a on-going process that needs some attention. I'm glad that Eric gave his personal and professional assesment to this problem that everyone agrees needs to be taken care of as a "wake-up" call.
We don't need another "new club", like one disenchanted club member has posted. We just need to tighten up in a few areas that we have been lax in.
Just my personal opinion....