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The Chip Board Archive 07

Well JB, I have a drink...

..."stirrer" I guess you could call it...from a drink that I ordered when I turned 21...we went to a Chinese Restaurant/bar called Lum Lum's (I know Ralph Myers know's this Visalia,CA)...I can't remember the drink but the "stirrer" was a big long back scratcher...still use it to this day! grin

So your theory isn't too bad!


Messages In This Thread

Weird Casino Stuff, ummm... ID? Needed
Re: Weird Casino Stuff, ummm... ID? Needed
Re: Weird Casino Stuff, ummm... ID? Needed
Re: Weird Casino Stuff, ummm... ID? Needed
How embarrassing. I used them to stir my drinks *g
Re: How embarrassing. I used them to stir my drink
I have never seen...
I was collecting those "things" at 9-years-old grin
Well JB, I have a drink...
I've had a few of those drinks, too ...
Don, there may be less in the glass to enjoy.....
Knockers huh? ......
Re: Weird Casino Stuff, ummm... ID? Needed
Re: Weird Casino Stuff, ummm... ID? Needed
I've been known to march to the tune....
I'm dying to know....
Sister Kate...
Brother Dave
I have two heros now...
LOL! Well at least you didn't...
Emeril hid in the cellar for three days!
Whew! Good..I was worried about him.... grin
Emeril was born in...
LOL! WUSSter, Mass...I love it!
Where else?...
Re: If your hanger needs a new...
Re: Weird Casino Stuff, ummm... ID? Needed
Drink tapper

Copyright 2022 David Spragg