Suppose some casinos don't LIKE chippers? Suppose they don't LIKE the hobby of collecting chips? Suppose they want to drive people out of the hobby? Suppose they want to anger or annoy chippers?
As has been pointed out, when a chip is issued, often the chipper will go to the casino, stand in line, get one (or more) chips, leave the casino. They might never place a bet, or eat a meal or patronize the casino in any other way.
I remembered a discussion awhile back on why a casino would issue LE's. At one point, Gene said he was often mis-quoted in this type of discussion and I wanted to quote him here so I searched the archives til I found it (Gene, you thought I wasn't paying attention, I bet!
"It is very complicated. A casino owner can not sell chips one day and put the money in their pockets the next day. The cash becomes part of the required bankroll, The chips are carried as a debt. They are an IOU. At some point when "there is a reasonable expectation" that the chips will not be coming back in, the casino can write the IOU off. The casino bankroll is a VERY complicated formula. Depending on other obligations in the formula, the casino owner might or might not be able to take the cash at this time.
Is it cash flow, YES.
Is it profit, YES, but when?
Is it a lot of bookwork, YES.
If a casino makes 2,000 LE chips and only gets rid of 1.000 then there is an inventory tax on what is left, every Jan 1.
If it was up to cage managers there would never be a LE chip."
HEY!!! I SAID it was a radical theory!!