Douglas Saito, publisher of Chip Chat, has done himself a favor by asking me to post the current telephone and mail-in bids that have been made on the Hank Boss Chip Collection of Las Vegas chips manufactured in TR King Company’s small and large crown molds. I’ve decided to do Doug this favor, and I will be periodically posting the latest bids as Doug advises me of them. As many of you know, these telephone and mail-in bids will be the opening bids for each lot when the “live” auction takes place on August 11th, 2002 in Las Vegas.
Auction catalogues are available in color and in black and white. If you wish to purchase a catalogue, send $12.50 for a black and white catalogue, or $35.00 for a color catalogue to:
Douglas Saito
4056 Front St.
San Diego, CA 92103
This catalogue is an amazing product. For those of you who are readers of Chip Chat, I would characterize it as probably the equivalent of more than a year’s worth of vintage Doug. For non-readers, I would describe it as historical capsules of over 50 Las Vegas casinos, along with anecdotes from each and pictures of many. And, of course, there is as complete a description of each of the chips in the 155 auction lots as you could imagine. It is a terrific reference work for any Las Vegas collector, whether or not you plan on participating in the auction.
I intend, also, to attend the “live” auction on August 11th, where I will be able to extend my favor to Doug and post the final bid results of each lot right here on The Chip Board, within moments after the auctioneer’s gavel comes down.
As of today, July 4th, here are the current high mail or phone bids for the following lots listed in Auction Session #1 of the Hank Boss Chip Collection of small and large crown chips: