Brian; I didn't take your post as one of a complainer. Rather I interpreted your comments as one who expected a certain realization based on past history of what has previously taken place.
Atlantic City has been relatively free of some of the shenanigans that have been taking place in other gaming juristictions. We felt that we were not affected by some of that "stuff". Well, we've all been subjected to a reality check that now tells us we are no different than any place else in this country.
Collectors can no longer expect that A.C. is not a challenge any more. A maximum of only a theoretical 100 collections can now be even considered to be complete.
As A.C. Chapter President Brach so eloquently demonstrated ... there are over 350 members in the Atlantic City Chapter alone... a fact that the guy in charge at Trump Marina knows full well. Does anyone really think that he had the memberships interest uppermost in his mind .... when he ordered only 100 $25 chips for the 4th of July?
Just what WAS he thinking about ... and who?
And he's a CC & GTCC member by the way.