Every month, I send out the above mentioned report. This month, however, I received a "lightening bolt". It seems someone complained they are receiving unsolicited bulk mail. That I was trying to sell them something. As a result, I was stripped of my AOL password. I had to call a phone number to get my password back because I have over 100 people on my distribution.
Many of you know me personally. I ask for and receive nothing for this report. I suggest if you don't like it that you UNSUBSCRIBE to this service. It is a free service that is completely optional. No one has unsubscribed so far. I have over 120 people on my distribution list and it is growing every month. Some of you have given me favorable feedback. It is strictly for the use and pleasure of chip, token and SS collectors. It has no other purpose.
1. If you like to be off distribution list--UNSUBSCRIBE now.
2. If you would like to remain on it--do nothing.
3. If you like to be added--send me an e-mail
If this happens again, I will be forced to discontinue this service. Some of you are unable to open this list (about 18%). I can send postal mail.
This month's list has 79 line items. Many of the line items contain multiple chips, tokens and SS. It is the largest list ever.